The section of award winners will be done through a comprehensive process that ensures the integrity of the awards selection process and consequently the credibility of the awards themselves. The selection process will comprise of the following stages;
1) Nominations will be invited from the public across the African continent;
2) The nominations will be received and any clarifications and/or adjustments to the format used by, or on behalf of nominees will be sought by the organizers and presented by the nominees or their agents;
3) Nominations will be examined to ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria;
4) The contents of nominations that meet the eligibility criteria will then be authenticated by our contracted team of researchers to confirm claims made in the nominations;
5) Where information contained in a nomination is found to be deliberately falsified, the nominee would be automatically disqualified.
6) A specially constituted team of Award Assessment Consultants will then assess each nomination against the assessment criteria established by the organizers using the quantitative performance assessment model designed specifically for this awards scheme ;
A short list of nominations that fulfill both the eligibility and the assessment criteria will then be forwarded to a specially constituted Awards Jury for consideration.
7) The Awards Jury will then meet virtually over several sessions to consider each shortlisted nominee. Where a member is unable to join meetings either for technical reasons or for reason of unavailability due to acceptable cause, that member will forward his or her inputs into the considerations to the meetings of the Jury;
8) Finally the Awards Jury will determine the actual winners and the first and second runners up, by quantitative scoring of nominees for each category using the scoring model provided by the organizers in consultation with the research consultants.